3rd Smart-Edu4.0 Multiplier Event

The 3rd Smart-Edu4.0 Multiplier Event was held within the Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition at the TITANIC EXHIBITION CENTRE LIMITED in Belfast. The project was presented by the partners Darren Anderson, Wasif Naeem, and Sean McLoone and discussion about Bridging the Talent Gap:

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Multiplier Event NTUA

The 2nd Multiplier Event of the Smart-Edu4.0 Project was organized by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) on April 25th 2023. The project partners had the chance to present the results of the project to academics and industry partners and received valuable feedback from them regarding the state-of-the art programs in Manufacturing Mechatronics.

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Multiplier Event UL

The first Smart-Edu4.0 Multiplier Event was held at the CONFIRM Smart Manufacturing Centre at Limerick on February 2023. The University of Limerick (UL) presented the Digital Mechatronics BE/ME programmes that were developed by the Science_Engineering UL in conjunction with @UL@Work and within the context of the Smart-Edu4.0 project! Project partners had also the chance to demonstrate project results and share their thoughts with industry representatives regarding the necessary skills and talents the workforce of the future factories should have.

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